Friday, July 31, 2009

A New Blogger...

Well here I am starting my first blog with excitement, trepidation and anxiety. I am excited because I feel it is a great way to communicate thoughts and share ideas on ways to organize and simplify so that we can all live and work better. I have just updated my website and I think through my blog I can keep my website more active.

I approach blogging with trepidation and anxiety because I don't really know what I'm doing! So I figure sometimes the best way to figure something out is to just dive in.

My husband and I are usually the last people to jump on to the latest and coolest thing that everyone is doing or the latest technological advancement that everyone has. For example we don't have ipods yet, haven't jumped in on the whole social networking bandwagon, but we are leading fulfilling lives. Sometimes the very things that we think we need to have, especially when it comes to communication and technology, can be a huge time zapper. We live in a society where we feel we have to be available all of the time, when really we don't. If we can figure out ways to use these technological tools more effectively they can help us save time and lead a richer life. I know at some point I will get an Ipod and I'll join the social networking craze, and I know I'll think why didn't I do this sooner?

I am hopeful that this blogging experience will be fun and a value added benefit to my clients and those people who are interested in organizing and simplifying their lives so that they have more time to do what makes them happy.